Cooking Beef

Photo: Alpha – CC BY-SA 2.0 | cropped to square


Before cooking, rinse the beef thoroughly.


If making a broth or soup, place the meat in cold water. If cooking beef as a standalone dish, add it to boiling water, which ensures juiciness and greater nutritional value. A piece of fresh beef (0.5–1 kg) is cooked for 1–1.5 hours on low heat. If necessary, add water to keep the meat covered at all times. Do not replace the water. If making broth, skim off the foam (a brownish froth formed from coagulated protein) during the first 10–15 minutes – this will keep the broth clear. Forty minutes before the end of cooking, add cleaned vegetables. Salt at the end if making broth, or immediately after adding vegetables if cooking the meat as a main dish. You can also add spices, such as juniper, pepper, bay leaf, and cloves. After skimming off the foam, cook covered.


Remove the cooked beef from the broth and slice it against the grain.


Serve with brown sauce, horseradish, or cranberries.

Enjoy your meal!