Cooking Carrots

Photo: Brianna Lehman – CC BY 2.0 | cropped to square


Immediately before boiling, brush the carrots and rinse them under cold water. Do not peel them – this preserves beneficial micronutrients.


Place the carrots in a small amount of cold water if the aim is to infuse the broth with their flavour and aroma (e.g. when making soup). If boiling the carrots as a standalone dish, add them to boiling water – this helps retain most of their juices. Boil the carrots for 20–25 minutes. Start timing from the moment the water returns to a boil. Immediately after boiling begins, add salt (approximately 2 teaspoons per litre of water). It is also advisable to add a little sugar (approximately 1 teaspoon per litre of water). Boil with the lid on – this shortens the cooking time and reduces vitamin loss. To check if the carrots are done, pierce them with a fork or knife. If it goes in easily, they are ready.


After boiling, drain the carrots and peel them. The cooking water, which contains nutrients, can be used for sauces, soups, etc.


Carrots make a good accompaniment to poultry, veal, and eggs. Serve them sprinkled with dill and drizzled with melted butter.

Enjoy your meal!