Cooking Broccoli

Photo: Liz West – CC BY 2.0 | cropped to square


Immediately before cooking, rinse the broccoli under cold water and break into small florets, cutting them off the stem and trimming the branches. Cut the stems into small pieces.


Place the broccoli into boiling water – this helps them retain most of their juices. Fresh broccoli should be cooked for 5–7 minutes. Begin timing from the moment the water returns to a boil. As soon as the water starts boiling, add salt (1 teaspoon per litre of water). It is also advisable to add a little sugar, which helps the broccoli maintain its green colour. Midway through cooking, milk can be added to prevent calcium from leaching due to the trace elements in the broccoli. After boiling, remove the lid to allow unpleasant-smelling oils to evaporate, then cover again to finish cooking. The cooked broccoli should be slightly firm, delicately crunchy, yet cooked to the proper tenderness.


After cooking, drain the broccoli. To preserve their vibrant green colour, plunge the cooked broccoli into ice water for 1 minute.


The broccoli can be served sprinkled with toasted breadcrumbs and drizzled with melted butter.

Enjoy your meal!

Check out how to cook frozen broccoli.