Cooking Sushi Rice

Sushi rice dish
Photo: Emily Barney – CC BY-NC 2.0 | cropped to square


Rinse the sushi rice with cold water until the runoff becomes clear. Soak for 30 minutes.


Place the rice into cold unsalted water (1 cup of rice to 1 1/4 cups of water) and bring to a boil without a lid. Simmer for 15 minutes on low heat until the rice absorbs the water. Start timing from the moment the water boils. Cook with a slightly ajar lid. The cooked rice grains should be soft and tender.


After cooking, let it stand for 10 minutes, then drizzle with vinegar seasoning and gently mix with a wooden spatula, breaking up any larger clumps, then cool by fanning.


Japanese rice is added to sweet dishes, such as puddings. It is the main ingredient in sushi.

Enjoy your meal!