Boiling Parboiled Rice

Before cooking, there is no need to rinse parboiled rice or soak it.
Add the rice to cold, unsalted water (1 cup of rice to 1.5–2 cups of water) and bring it to a boil without a lid. You can also cook it in broth. Cook for 12–18 minutes on low heat until the rice absorbs the water. Start timing from the moment the water boils. Cook with a slightly ajar lid until "craters" appear, then simmer with a tight lid. The cooked grain of rice is soft and delicate.
Let it stand for 10 minutes, then rinse with cold water and gently mix.
Parboiled rice is an ideal accompaniment to all kinds of roasts, fried and cooked fish, as well as vegetable dishes. It also works perfectly as an ingredient in salads or fruit desserts.
Enjoy your meal!